Vanquish ME

What Is VANQUISH ME Body Sculpting Technology?

VANQUISH ME offers contactless fat disruption over the largest surface area of any body sculpting treatment on the market. This non-invasive body sculpting technique uses heat to disrupt stubborn fat cells, harnessing radio frequency to gently heat and damage unwanted fat cells. As the fat cells die after treatment, your body will naturally eliminate them through lymphatic system. During treatment, there is no anesthesia necessary. All you feel is a mild, warm sensation.

Unlike other options on the market, there is no pinching and there are no edges. This allows you to achieve smooth, balanced results more quickly and comfortably. There is uniquely no requirement that your body mass index be below 30. Treatments are quick and there is no downtime or surgical risk from treatment, unlike more invasive methods such as liposuction. There is also no need for anesthesia or sedation and VANQUISH ME treatment requires no incisions. The body-contouring device will never even touch your body. You can immediately resume normal activities and will see results in the few weeks following treatment.

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