Vanquish ME

How Does VANQUISH ME Body Sculpting Work?

If you have an area of stubborn, unwanted fat that you would like to get rid of, VANQUISH ME treatments could be a good fit for you. There is no BMI requirement, so patients of all shapes and sizes can benefit from treatment.

The VANQUISH ME Procedure

For VANQUISH ME treatments you will simply lie back and relax. The device will be placed over the area being treated. You will feel mild warmth in the treatment area, which can last for a few hours after the VANQUISH ME session. No anesthesia is necessary.

Each treatment session takes 30-45 minutes, depending on the area being treated. The majority of patients will have 4 treatments, scheduled about 1 week apart. VANQUISH ME is suitable for those with limited time as treatments can be scheduled on your lunch break or while the kids are at school. There is no down time after the procedure, so you can get right back to your normal life.

During your consultation, Dr. Baptista’s body sculpting team will work with you to evaluate your goals and determine what the best treatment plan is for you.


How Much Does VANQUISH ME Cost?

The cost of VANQUISH ME treatment varies based on the area you would like to treat and how many sessions you choose to undergo. The best way to get an idea of your total treatment costs is to schedule a free consultation.

Results & Benefits of VANQUISH ME

With VANQUISH ME, you can expect actual reduction of fat in the treatment area. Whether in the abdomen, back or thighs, VANQUISH ME patients experience smooth fat reduction within a few weeks with no downtime after treatments. Results may vary based on your BMI, the area being treated, and the number of treatments you choose to undergo. In studies, VANQUISH ME destroyed 25-30% of the fat in the treatment area.1 Due to the selective radiofrequency technology, patients also see skin tightening benefits in the treated areas.


Since it does not require direct contact with the patient’s skin, risks are not common. Treatments normally cause the desired warmth in the treated area during procedure and for a few hours after.

1. Hayre, N., Palm, M. and Jenkin, P. (2016). A Clinical Evaluation of a Next Generation, Non-Invasive, Selective Radiofrequency, Hands-Free, Body-Shaping Device. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, 15(12).

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